Please review the documents below for more information about road and transportation permits available through the Township of South Stormont. Permits can be submitted online or in person at Town Hall along with a cheque for the permit fee.

Entrance Permits

Township Roads

Properties that do not currently have access from the municipal road to enter a property require an entrance permit.  If the property is on a Township road, applicants must complete the Entrance Permit Application below. Please fill out the required information in the form and return via email to the Public Works Coordinator. Alternatively, you can fill out an application in person at the Township Office. 

Please note the fee for entrance permits on Township roads is $170

Apply for an Entrance Permit

Public Works staff will inspect the site and consider the application, based on issues such as sight lines and drainage.  The applicant will then be notified about whether their entrance permit application has been approved.  All materials will be supplied by the applicant and all work will be done at the applicant’s expense and to the satisfaction of the Township of South Stormont. Please note that work must not commence on the entrance until the entrance permit has been granted by the Township of South Stormont.

County Roads

An Entrance Permit is required from the United Counties Transportation Department to establish an entranceway onto a property off of a County road.

Provincial Roads

An Entrance Permit is required from the Ministry of Transportation to establish an entranceway onto a property off of Provincial Highway 138.

Ditch Infill Permits

Applying to fill in the ditch in front of your property? Homeowners must follow the procedure set out in the Township's Ditch Infill Policy. Please download and fill out the form below and submit to the Public Works Coordinator

Apply for a Ditch Infill Permit

Road Cut Permit

Road Cut Permits are for temporary occupation or construction within the Township's roadways. All regulations set out in By-law No. 2016-024 must be followed at all times.

Apply for a Road Cut Permit

Reduced Load Permit

The reduced load period in the Township of South Stormont typically begins in early March and ends in May each year, unless altered by a resolution of Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act.

A Permit to Move Loads in Excess of Weight on South Stormont roads can be obtained from the Public Works Department after completing and submitting the required application form and $150.00 fee.