Property taxes are collected by the Township and provide the main source of revenue to deliver services supplied by the Township. In addition to collecting its own taxes, the Township is also responsible for collecting upper-tier taxes for the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry; and education taxes of the Province of Ontario, which are distributed to school boards.

On this page, you will find information about Tax Rates, Service Fees and Charges, Assessments and Appeals, Supplementary Tax Bills, and Property Tax Sales.

Click here for information on Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to View your Property (and Water) Account Online

Click here to Request a Property Tax Summary - Please note there is a $10 charge to request a Property Tax Summary. To access your property account online for free, please follow the instructions on our View Your Property (and Water) Account Online Page

The Billing and Collection Office is responsible for the following functions:

  • Prepare, bill, and collect all property taxes
  • Implement the annual tax rates
  • Assist the public with matters relating to assessment and taxes
  • File tax appeals pursuant to Sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act (eg. demolition of building, gross and manifest assessment errors)
  • Administer the program for Rebates to Registered Charities
  • Issue tax certificates and tax information to legal firms, banks, realtors, and others
  • Administer and maintain the pre-authorized payment plans
  • Issue supplementary tax notices
  • Maintain tax notice files for mortgage companies
  • Process and handle other revenue related matters
Property Tax Billing and Installment Due Dates

Property taxes are billed by the Township of South Stormont twice per year: the interim bill and the final bill, with two payment installments due for each billing.​ All payments must be received by t​​he Township by the due date to avoid late payment charges of 1.25% per month (calculated starting on the first day of each month payment is delayed).​

Interim Tax Bill

The interim bill is issued each March. The Municipal Act requires that your interim bill be based on 50% of your prior year taxes adjusted by any completed supplementary or assessment cancellations. The interim bill is an estimate because the Counties, Township and Provincial Education tax rates are not yet confirmed (the final tax bill is adjusted to the current year tax rates).

Interim tax bills installment due dates are set annually by the Interim Levy By-law 

Final Tax Bill

The final bill ​is issued each July and may arrive in mailboxes in early July. It is calculated using your assessed value and the Council-approved tax rates for the current year, less the interim bill amount.​ 

Final tax bills installment due dates are subsequent to the passing of the Levying By-law


New E-Billing

You can register to receive your Property Tax bill (and Water bill) via email through your iCity Online Property Account. If you sign up for e-billing, you will NOT receive a paper copy, therefore, please retain the e-mailed copy for your files. 


Instructions for e-billing

 How to Pay Your Taxes

1. In Person or by Mail

Visit the Township Office during regular business hours to pay your tax bills. Please note that only cash, cheque or debit are accepted at the Township Office. 

Cheques can also be dropped off at the Township Office after hours using the secure drop off box located to the right of the main door entrance. 

You can also mail a cheque to the Township Office. 


Township of South Stormont

2 Mille Roches Road

PO Box 84

Long Sault, ON K0C 1P0


2. Through Your Bank

You can pay your tax bills using your bank's online or telephone banking system, or by visiting your bank in person. 

Please note that your 15-digit roll number without dashes, dots or spaces, starting with 001 or 006, found on your tax bill is considered your account number. It is imperative that the right account number is used as the Township has moved to automatic uploads.

If a payment has to be transferred from one account to another, a $10.00 fee will apply. This fee will be waived if it is the first transfer request on the account. Subsequent requests will incur the applicable fee. If you have moved or you have more than one property tax account, you must ensure all your tax accounts have been individually set up for payments.


3. Pre-Authorized Payment Plans (PAP)

The Township encourages property owners to join the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan for a convenient, worry-free, and secure way to pay property taxes.

The PAP Plan authorizes the Township to automatically withdraw funds from the bank account you designate to make tax payments. There is no surcharge for this method of payment. 


  1. No worry about missed due dates
  2. In the event of postal disruption, illness or vacation, your payments will still be made
  3. Monthly plan allows easier budgeting
  4. Once you have enrolled in a plan, you do not have to reapply for subsequent years

How to Join

  • Complete the Pre-Authorized Payment Application and attach a voided cheque from the account you wish used for withdrawal purposes. Please complete one form per tax address
  • Ensure all signing officers for that account sign the application form.
  • Please note:
    • Financial Institution/banking information is not printed on the bills.
    • The application date will be the date received, if no​t indicated.
    • Only chequing accounts can be used.
    • You must complete, sign and return the Pre-Authorized Payment Application to register. Incomplete forms will be returned.
    • Once enrolled, you will receive an email notification of your acceptance to the PAP Program. You should continue to pay your taxes through your regular payment method until you receive confirmation of enrollment.

Making Changes or Cancelling your PAP Plan

If you have changed your banking information, or wish to cancel your PAP plan please complete the Pre-Authorized Payment – Change or Cancellation

Note: The program is not transferable. If you move the program must be cancelled on the previous property and a new application must be completed for the new property. 


PAP Change or Cancellation Request Form


Three PAP Plan Options

Option 1: 

10 monthly installments, withdrawn on the first business day of each month, from January to October. Payments from January to June are 10% of the previous year’s total with the difference between one year and the next being paid from July to October. Only accounts with no arrears may enroll.

Option 2: 

Withdrawal on the due date. Only accounts with no arrears may enroll.

Option 3: 

12 monthly installments, withdrawn on the first business day of each month. Any property owner, regardless of account status, may enroll; interest is applicable with this option.


 Penalty and Interest Charges

Payments must be received by the tax department on or before the due date in order to avoid late payment charges.

Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse a taxpayer from the responsibility for payment nor relieve the liability of penalty for late payment.

A penalty of 1.25 per cent will be charged on the unpaid amount of an installment on the first day of default.  Monthly interest charges of 1.25 per cent (15 per cent per annum) will be imposed on any unpaid taxes on the first day of each month thereafter.  Penalty and interest rates are set by Township By-laws pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001.

Payment is applied to interest and penalty charges first, and then to taxes beginning with the oldest year first. 

Municipal Tax Rates

2025 Municipal Tax Rates

2024 Municipal Tax Rates

2023 Municipal Tax Rates

2022 Municipal Tax Rates

2021 Municipal Tax Rates, amended by By-law 2021-052

2020 Municipal Tax Rates

2019 Municipal Tax Ratesamended By-law 2019-079

2018 Municipal Tax Ratesamended By-law 2018-049 

2017 Municipal Tax Rates

2016 Municipal Tax Rates

2015 Municipal Tax Rates

Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges are approved annually by Council through the Fees and Charges By-law. 

  • Tax Certificate: $60.00
    • additional fee if response required within 2 businesses days: $20.00
  • NSF Fee: $50.00
  • Correction of Transfer of Electronic Payment: $10.00
  • Tax Bill (Re-Print): $10.00
  • Tax Receipts/Statement of account (free online): $10.00
  • Reminder Notices: $5.00
  • Addition to Tax Roll (Water Arrears): $20.00
  • Tax Registrations: Actual Costs/Legal Fees
  • Tax Sale Tender Package (free online): $10.00
  • Tile Drainage Inspection Fee: $125.00
Tax Certificate

If you are representing the seller or purchaser in a real estate transaction, you can obtain a tax certificate from the Finance Department for $60.00. 

There is a $20.00 additional fee if response is requested within 2 business days.

Please submit your request online or written request and payment to the following address:

Township of South Stormont
P.O. Box 84
2 Mille Roches Rd
Long Sault, ON   K0C 1P0
Fax:  613-534-2280


Request a Tax Certificate

Supplementary/Omitted Tax Billings

The Township issues supplementary/omitted tax bills as per Property Assessment Change Notices, which are issued by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation​ (MPAC) for the following reasons:

  • a change to your property such as an addition, new construction or renovation.
  • MPAC assessed a structure on your property for the first time.
  • There was a change to your property’s classification.

Property tax dollars associated with any changes are retroactive to the date of occupancy or purchase, or when the renovation or alterations were completed. Payment for supplementary/omitted tax bills is typically due in two installments.

Tax Arrear Notices
Tax Arrears notices are issued to property owners when payment due to the Township has not been paid. Interest/penalty is calculated at a rate of 1.25% per month on the first day of each month payment is delayed. The notice outlines tax amount due, interest/penalty amounts, and payment options. Interest/penalty fees cannot be waived. Properties that are two or more years in arrears are eligible to be registered for tax sale.
Registered Charities - Commercial/Industrial Property Rebate Program

The Township provides eligible charities with a rebate of 40 per cent of their property taxes (local, County and education tax portions) through By-law No. 4734 passed by United Counties of SD&G. This rebate program is applicable to registered charities that are owners or tenants in a commercial or industrial class property.  The landlord may be contacted by the charity to provide pertinent information that the Township requires in order to process their application.

Charities that wish to apply must have a valid registration number issued by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and submit an application no later than February 28th following the taxation year for which relief is being requested.

Qualifying charities must apply each year for the rebate.  The landlord/property owner is also required to complete a Property Owner Declaration and must accompany the application being submitted for consideration.

Charity Tax Rebate Application

Charity Rebate Bylaw

 Property Tax Sales

The Township is authorized under the Municipal Act to sell qualifying properties to recover the outstanding taxes.  With the passage of Bill 68, a Tax Arrears Certificate can now be registered on title if property taxes are unpaid for two years prior to January 1 following the year in which the taxes were owing. 

The Township does not maintain a mailing list of upcoming properties eligible for sale or of possible interested purchasers as Tax Sales may not be held regularly. Interested parties are encouraged to check our website.

For more details on the process click Tax Sale Information Bulletin

All tax sales conducted by the Township are advertised once in the Ontario Gazette, four times in the Standard Freeholder newspaper and here on the website.  

Shortly after the closing time bids will be publicly opened through a virtual livestream that can be viewed live from our Council Meetings Page.


Current Property Tax Sales 

Current property tax sales can be viewed on our Available Lands Page

Past Tax Sale Results

Property Tax Sale Unofficial Results - July 22, 2024

Property Tax Sale Unofficial Results - April 29, 2024

Property Tax Sale Unofficial Results - December 6, 2023

Property Tax Sale Unofficial Results - April 18, 2023.  

Property Tax Sale Results - October 26th, 2021

Property Tax Sale Results - January 15, 2021