Camino LVS, an Avenue 31 Capital Inc venture, intends to develop a multi-modal logistics village in Long Sault. 

Appreciating that a development of this size garners significant interest within the community, further details regarding the development application have been included on our website to help address concerns and correct any misinformation. 

Below you will find information specific to the proposed Long Sault Logistics Village. We also encourage residents to visit the Camino LVS website where you can find additional information, including a helpful FAQ section, see the results of the first phase of public consultation, and register for a newsletter that will provide updates directly to your inbox.

What is the Official Plan Designation and what does this mean?

An Official Plan describes your upper, lower or single tier municipal council or planning board's policies on how land in your community should be used. Within the United Counties of SDG, the Official Plan is established by the upper tier municipality (United Counties) and implemented locally through tools like zoning by-laws, site plans and plans of subdivision. 

Current Official Plan Designation  

The subject lands were designated “Special Land Use Area” and “Special Land Use District” via Official Plan Amendment 20 and approved by County Council in January 2014. Subsequently, the Township amended its Zoning By-law to conform to the County Official Plan in 2015. 

Section 9.3.2 of the OP identifies the lands as a “Special Land Use Area” to allow for Employment Uses as described in Table 3.5, which include:

  • Class I, II, and III industrial uses, as defined in the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP) D-Series Guidelines;
  • Transportation and distribution industries near transportation corridors;
  • Office uses;
  • Other associated retail and ancillary facilities. These may include limited employment supportive commercial uses serving the employment area (e.g. hotels, restaurants, fitness centres, financial institutions, convention centres, service commercial uses) as defined in the implementing Township Zoning by-law or through a site-specific zoning amendment.
What is the current zoning designation of the subject lands?

The subject lands are currently zoned “Heavy Industrial - holding (MH-h) Zone” under the Township’s Zoning By-law (ZBL) No. 2011-100. Section 7.3 of the ZBL establishes the permitted uses and provisions applicable to the uses in the MH Zone, which include:

  • Bakery
  • Cannabis Production and Processing
  • Class II & III Industries (as defined by the MECP D-Series Guidelines)
  • Transportation Terminal
  • Warehouse
  • Accessory uses such as a cafeteria or office

The proposed development under this submission is considered a heavy industrial use, which is permitted under the current zoning.

Holding symbols are typically added to zones to prohibit the development of certain lands until such a time as the policies of the Official Plan, provisions of the Zoning By-law, and/ or any other development-related conditions are satisfied. At which time, it may be removed via amendment under Section 36 of the Planning Act. To that end, Section 7.3(e) of the Zoning By-law states that the holding (-h) symbol applied to the subject lands is intended to ensure that development does not occur until such a time as municipal services are available.

Background and Timeline Thus Far

 November 10, 2021 - Council of South Stormont Delegation

The Camino LVS team made a presentation to the Township of South Stormont about initial plans and direction for the Long Sault Logistics Village. This was a chance to share the vision for the project, and to outline initial concepts and considerations for the site.

Follow the link below to watch the video recording of the presentation and view the presentation materials

Public Council Meeting and Presentation Material

November 18, 2021 - Development Application Submitted to the Township of South Stormont
Camino LVS formally submitted a development application for the first Phase (A) of the development which included associated studies and drawings.
 December 1, 2021 - Camino LVS - Development Application Walkthrough Meeting

Representatives from the County of SDG (Planning & Transportation), Township of South Stormont (Planning, Fire, Public Works and Building), JL Richards (South Stormont Township Consultant), Raisin Region Conservation Authority, South Nation Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) met with the Camino LVS team.

The purpose of the meeting was to provide all attendees with an overview of the development proposal and to discuss any technical questions relating to the development, submission and/or associated documentation.

 February 4, 2022 - Status Update
The Township of South Stormont has received commentary from the Counties of SDG, circulated agencies and JL Richards regarding the development submission (drawings and associated studies). We are currently evaluating the commentary amongst the review team and anticipate providing the first round of commentary to the Camino LVS team by mid February 2022. 
February - March 2023 - Status Update

Avenue 31 submitted a DRAFT Plan of Subdivision to the United Counties of SDG for the development site. Township staff, in conjunction with their engineering consultant, is reviewing their submission. 

DRAFT Plan of Subdivision

Subdivision Rationale 

Council will be presented with a Key Information Report regarding the submission at an upcoming Regular Council Meeting. 

April 13, 2023 - Public Open House 

Avenue 31, in conjunction with their consultants, Township and County staff, will be holding a Public Open House at the Township Offices at 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault for the Application for Plan of Subdivision and Class Environmental Assessment. 

The public are welcome to attend the Public Open House between the hours of 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m (drop-in anytime). 

Please review the Notice of Public Meeting and advertisement below for more details. 

Notice of Public Meeting/Open House: Avenue 31 - Long Sault Logistics Village

Notice of Public Meeting Advertisement

May 10, 2023 - South Stormont Draft Plan Approval

Report presented to Township Council at the regular meeting of Council on May 10 2023. A resolution concerning the subject matter was forwarded to the County of SDG and owner.

Council supported the Plan of Subdivision Application No. 01-SS-S-2023, based on the conditions of approval described in Appendix A of the Action Request dated May 10, 2023 and further, that these conditions be forwarded to the United Counties of SDG and the applicant, representing the Township’s formal comments on the proposal.

Council Report - Draft Plan of Subdivision Comments - May 10, 2023

April 15, 2024 - Draft Plan Approval 

The County granted Draft Plan Approval for Subdivision File No. 01-SS-S-2023, being the Camino Inc. - Long Sault Logistics Village

Notice of Decision - Draft Plan Approval

November 15, 2024 - Revised Subdivision Plan Received

The Township of South Stormont was circulated on a request for a revision to the approved Subdivision Draft Plan for Camino LVS Inc. (Long Sault Logistics Village), File No.  01-SS-S-2023.  

Redline Revisions Submission - Cover Letter

Redline Revision Submission - Conceptual Site Plan

Redline Revision Submission - Draft Plan of Subdivision

Redline Revision Submission - Draft Plan "Before and After"

Updated Traffic Impact Study


December 18, 2024 - Key Information Report to Council regarding Revised Subdivision Plan

On December 18, 2024, the Planning Department delivered a Key Information Report outlining the Revised Subdivision Plan. 


To view the presentation and review the report, visit the December 18, 2024 Council Meeting Page

February 11, 2025 - Amended Draft Plan of Subdivision Approved

The United Counties of SDG formally approved the amended Draft Plan of Subdivision. 

Additional Resources

CAMINO LVS Public Engagement Report

Long Sault Logistics Village FAQ