The Township is responsible for three water systems; one for Long Sault/Ingleside, one for Newington and one for St. Andrews West/Rosedale Terrace. The operation of these water treatment plants is contracted to Caneau Water and Sewage Operations Inc., with the Township assuming responsibility of the water distribution systems. 

 Long Sault/Ingleside 

Long Sault/Ingleside Regional Water Treatment Plant

The Long Sault/Ingleside Regional Water Treatment Plant is a membrane filtration system that produces water from Lake St. Lawrence. The plant is located on Moulinette Island, south of Long Sault.

The treatment process includes micro filtration through one of three membrane tranes that are housed in large concrete tanks. Taste and odour removal are through granular activated carbon contactors and then primary disinfection takes place. The water then passes through the chlorine contact chamber and finally to a high lifting pumping well, all of which are located beneath the plant. A 10 kilometre transmission main joins the water distribution systems between Long Sault and Ingleside and services more than 3,500 residents.

Ingleside Water Booster Station

What was once the water treatment plant in Ingleside, this facility was converted into a booster station in 1995. 

Located on the south side of County Road 2, the Ingleside Water Booster Station consists of a 250 cubic meter wet well and a two-compartment baffled clear well storage. There are three 100-horsepower vertical turbine pumps, two of which are capable of providing the regular demand in Ingleside, while the third acts as a stand-by pump. 

Long Sault/Ingleside Regional Water Treatment Plant 2024 Summary Report


Newington Water Treatment Plant

The Newington Water Treatment Plant draws groundwater from two wells within the Newington Fairgrounds. The supply/treatment and storage works consists of the two wells and disinfection by sodium hypochlorite. The plant itself was modernized and renovated in 2004. The wells are operated in series. The first well, known as the “Kraft” well, is the primary source of water. It is a dug well which was originally installed in 1937. In dry periods, when the water level hits a minimum depth in the Kraft well, the pump in the second well, the “Fairground” well, is activated to pump water to the Kraft well.

Newington Water Treatment Plant 2024 Summary Report

 St. Andrews West/Rosedale Terrace

St. Andrews West/Rosedale Terrace Distribution System 

Water for the St. Andrews West/Rosedale Distribution System is provided by the City of Cornwall. Water enters the distribution system at two points, one on Mack Street and one at the corner of Highway 138 and Cornwall Centre Road. Each of these locations contains a metering chamber which is owned and operated by the City of Cornwall.

The City of Cornwall’s water system provides over 12 million cubic metres of fresh clean water pumped annually through over 277 kilometres of water mains to efficiently distribute the City’s drinking water system. This includes the St. Andrews West/Rosedale distribution in the Township of South Stormont.

St. Andrews West Booster Station 

The St. Andrews West Booster Station is located on the east side of Highway 138 at the intersection of Headline Road. The booster pumping station, constructed in 2004 is equipped with two vertical in-line centrifugal booster pumps and chlorine booster pumps. Pressure and chlorine levels are adjusted before the St. Andrews Distribution System and water tower.

The St. Andrews West Elevated Storage Tank was constructed in 1992 on the south side of County Road 18 in St. Andrews West. It provides storage, pressure and fire protection as it sits on a concrete pedestal. 

St. Andrews West/Rosedale Terrace Distribution System 2024 Summary Report

City of Cornwall Drinking Water Quality Report 2024

Drinking Water Quality Management Standard

The Safe Drinking Water Act required every water system to implement the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS). The DWQMS promotes a proactive and preventative approach to managing the Township's drinking water systems. 

Drinking Water Quality Management System Accreditation Certificate