If you are interested in doing business with the Township of South Stormont, visit the Biddingo website, where you can:
- Create an account to submit bids and receive notifications about new opportunities.
- Get more information about doing business with the Township.
- Read and understand the terms and conditions in the procurement documents.
- Find the results of all bid opportunities
South Stormont Biddingo Webpage
Group Purchasing
Public notice as required by the Canadian Free Trade Agreement - The Township of South Stormont has the ability and/or intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by the following group buying firms. For further information related to these buying groups please visit their website:
Surplus Equipment and Vehicles
Occasionally, the Township may deem equipment and/or other goods as surplus and those items are disposed of through a public auction. Items are typically sold “as is” and “where is” and there is no warranty or guarantee. All available auction items are advertised on the GovDeals website.
Procurement Bylaw
The Procurement Bylaw aims to state the Township's goals and objectives for procurement activities, explain the roles, responsibilities, and authority of the Council and Township's officers and employees in procurement, and follow the rules of subsection 270(1) of the Municipal Act and relevant trade treaties.
Tender No. 03 -2025: Ingleside Water Main/Booster Station Upgrade
The Township of South Stormont (Township) is inviting prospective bidders to submit bids for the
Ingleside Water Main/Booster Station Upgrade. Quotations are to be submitted electronically
through Biddingo.
Closing: 11:00 AM, local time, on Thursday, March 20th, 2025
The following is a general, but not necessarily complete description of the works to be constructed
under this contract:
- Construction of new watermains, hydrants, services and landscaping
- Construction of a flow control valve and chamber at the Booster Station
The tender documents and addendum may be obtained from the project Biddingo site commencing on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025. The plan takers list and addendum will be distribution solely via the Biddingo project site.
Submissions are subject to review by the Township. The Township of South Stormont, at its own discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject any compliant or non-compliant submissions.
Questions will be received until 11:59pm on March 14th, 2025, and shall be submitted in writing via the project Biddingo. The Township reserves the right to distribute any and all questions (anonymously) and answers pertaining to this quotation by addenda. The final addendum, if applicable, will be issued on March 17th, 2025.
Township of South Stormont Biddingo Page
RFP No. 06-2025: Long Sault Water Treatment Plant Upgrades Equipment Preselection
This Request for Proposal (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Township of South Stormont to prospective proponents to submit proposals for The Equipment Preselection for the Long Sault Water Treatment Plant Upgrades (Long Sault WTP) as further described in the tender documents. Only companies who submit a prequalification submission and who, through the evaluation process, have been deemed pre-qualified will be permitted to participate in the Tendering Phase of this project.
Closing: 2:00 PM, local time, on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
The purpose of this RFP Document is to preselect major equipment required for the Long Sault WTP Upgrades located in Long Sault, Ontario. The Tender documents provides the proposal requirements for the Membrane Ultrafiltration System which will be preselected through this RFP process.
The tender documents and addendum may be obtained from the project Biddingo site commencing on Thursday, March 13th, 2025. The plan takers list and addendum will be distribution solely via the Biddingo project site.
Submissions are subject to review by the Townships evaluation committee. The Township of South Stormont, at its own discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject any compliant or noncompliant submissions.
Questions will be received until end of day March 19, 2025, and shall be submitted in writing via the project Biddingo. The Township reserves the right to distribute any and all questions (anonymously) and answers pertaining to this quotation by addenda. The final addendum, if applicable, will be issued on March 21, 2024.
Township of South Stormont Biddingo Page