Financial Statements

2023 Financial Statements

2022 Financial Statements

2021 Financial Statements

2020 Financial Statements

2019 Financial Statements

2018 Financial Statements

2017 Financial Statements

2022-2024 Budget

Each year, the Township of South Stormont creates an operating budget and a capital budget for the upcoming year. This year, the budget process is expanded to encompass the 2022-2024. By expanding the budget process to cover three years, it gives Council a blueprint for spending over multiple years. The budget is annually reviewed by council, allowing for flexibility for amendments each year.

The Township will continually post updates throughout the budget process on our public engagement platform, Speak Up South Stormont. Follow the link below to access proposed budget presentations, background information, breakdowns of where your tax dollars are being spent, and even have the opportunity to provide input and ask questions. 

Speak Up South Stormont Budget Page

Previous Budgets

2024 Budget

On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, Council for the Township of South Stormont officially adopted the 2024 Municipal Operating and Capital Budgets.

Below are the Staff presentations for the 2024 Budget Process, as well as links to the video recordings of the relevant Council Meetings. 


2024 Staff Budget Presentations


By-law 2023-107: Adopt 2024 General Operating and Capital Budgets


Video Recording: Special Council Meeting #1 - November 21, 2023

Video Recording: Special Council Meeting #2 - December 5, 2023

Video Recording: Regular Council Meeting - Budget Adoption - December 13, 2023


2023 Budget

On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, Council for the Township of South Stormont officially adopted the 2023 Municipal Operating and Capitals Budgets. The 2023 budget represents a 5% township tax rate increase from 2022. 

Below are the staff presentations for the 2023 Budget process, as well as links to the video recordings of the Special Council Meetings regarding the Budget. 


2023 Staff Budget Presentations


By-law 2023-021: Adopt 2023 General Operating and Capital Budgets


Video Recording: Special Council Meeting #1 - February 1, 2023

Video Recording: Special Council Meeting #2 - March 1, 2023

Video Recording: Regular Council Meeting - Budget Adoption - March 8, 2023

2022 Budget

On Wednesday, December 15, 2021, Council for the Township of South Stormont officially adopted the 2022 Municipal Operating and Capital Budgets. The 2022 budget represents a 3% municipal tax rate increase. 

Below is the staff presentations for the 2022 Budget process, as well as links to video recordings of each of the Special Council Meetings regarding the 2022 Budget. 

2022 Staff Budget Presentations


Video Recording: Special Council Meeting #1 - November 3, 2021

Video Recording: Special Council Meeting #2 - November 17, 2021

Video Recording: Regular Council Meeting - November 24th, 2021

Video Recording: Regular Council Meeting - December 15th, 2021. Council Adopts 2022 Budget


2021 Budget

On Saturday, March 6, 2021 and Tuesday March 16, 2021, Council and Staff met for 2021 budget deliberations. After these two Special Council Meetings—which have been recorded and can be viewed on our Council Meetings Page—Council has approved, in principle the 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets. 

The result is expected to be a 1.85% tax increase, which is expected to be formally adopted at the Regular Council Meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. 

Below you will find important supporting documentation that helped to arrive at the approved 2021 budget, including departmental budget presentations, budget context and more. This page will be updated with more information after formal adoption of the 2021 budget. 

2021 Budget Context

2021 Taxation and Budget Summary

2021 Budget Presentation 2 - March 16, 2021

 2021 Department Budget Presentations - As presented to Council on March 6, 2021

Corporate Services/Finance/CAO

Fire and Rescue/By-law Enforcement

Parks and Recreation

Planning and Building

Public Works

 2020 Budget

On Wednesday, December 11, 2020, Council for the Township of South Stormont approved the 2020 Municipal Operating and Capital Budgets. Below you will find information to help you understand how the budget will affect your property tax bill, the services provided by the Township, capital and operating expenses projected for the 2020 year, etc. 


2020 South Stormont Budget for Water and Wastewater, as presented and adopted February 12, 2020

2020 South Stormont Budget, as presented and adopted December 11, 2019

2020 Budget Context

2020 South Stormont Budget Press Release

By-laws 2019-108 and 2020-018 - Adoption of 2020 Corporate and Water/Wastewater Operating and Capital Budgets

Department Budget Presentations

Corporate Services Budget Presentation

Drainage Budget Presentation

Finance & CAO Budget Presentation

Fire, Rescue and Protection of Persons and Property Budget Presentation

Parks and Recreation Budget Presentation

Planning, Economic Development, and Building  Budget Presentation

Transportation Budget Presentation

Waste Management Budget Presentation

Water and Wastewater Budget Presentation

Budget Options

2020 Budget Options Presented to Council

Additional Budget Documents

Water and Wastewater Rate Study Presentation

Water and Wastewater Rate Study Final Report