We understand that there are instances where the public may have concerns to share with the Township. We have made the process for submitting complaints or concerns easy with the forms below.
If you have general concerns to share, such as potholes or missed garbage, please use the Report a Concern form below. If your concern is a matter related to by-law enforcement, such as unkempt yards, noise complaints or animal control issues, please use the Report a By-law Concern form below
Please Note: We do not take anonymous concerns. All concerns and complaints must be completed with name, date, email, address and phone number provided. Your identity will not be divulged.
*These forms contains personal information collected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and is maintained specifically for processing the complaint. If you have any questions about the collection of information for this form, please contact the Director of Corporate Services at 613-534-8889 ext. 201.

Use this form if you have general concerns you would like the Township to look into. Potholes, missed garbage, fallen trees on Township roads, etc. can all be submitted here.
Concerns submitted here will be reviewed and directed to the appropriate department for action.

If you have a by-law concern, such as property standards issues, animal control, noise complaints, issues with fencing, please use this form.
Issues submitted here will be directed to the By-law Enforcement Officer for review.