At the July 13th, 2022 Regular Council Meeting, Council adopted the Development Charges By-law. Development Charges came into effect beginning September 15, 2022. 

The Development Charges By-law can be read in its entirety below. 

Development Charges By-law

Development Charges Information Pamphlet

Development Charges By-law # 2022-057 (5.1) - Indexing - Development charges imposed pursuant to this By-law shall be adjusted annually, without amendment to this By-law, on January 1“, in accordance with the prescribed index in the Act.

Ontario Bill 23, which received royal assent on November 28th, 2022, provided for the reduction of applicable development charge rates through a tiered implementation.  Most recently, however, Ontario Bill 185, which received royal assent on June 6th, 2024, repealed the tiered implementation of applicable development charge rates, meaning that the Township’s full, in-effect, rates have now become applicable again.

For complete building permit applications received between January 1st, 2024 and June 5th, 2024, the 15% reduced rate (as depicted in red in the below table) applies at time of permit issuance. 

For complete building permit applications received on or after June 6th, 2024, the full, in-effect, rate (as depicted in black in the below table) applies at time of permit issuance.” 

The Township of South Stormont has retained consultants Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. to undertake a Development Charges Background Study, as prescribed by the Development Charges Act 1997. 

The complete background study, which can be downloaded below, addresses the forecasted amount, type, and location of growth for the community, the requirement for "rules" governing the imposition of development charges, and provide sufficient background information on the legislation, recommendations and the basis for these recommendations. 

The Watson & Associates team has had a number of meetings with Township Council and Staff and have undertaken significant data collection exercises to arrive at their conclusions and present their recommendations. 

A Public Meeting will be scheduled to receive public commentary on the Development Charges Background Study and proposed implementation of a new Development Charges By-law. 

Development Charges Background Study

Development Charges Process Dates
Process StepsDates
Project initiation meeting with Township Staff November 2020
Data collection and staff interviews November 2020 - December 2021
Presentation of draft findings and Development Charges policy discussion with Township Staff January 20, 2022
Presentation of DRAFT Development Charges Background Study to Committee of the Whole February 7, 2022
Presentation of DRAFT Development Charges Background Study to Council February 16, 2022
Development Charges Background Study and Draft Development Charges By-law available to public May 5, 2022
Public Stakeholder Meeting

May 30, 2022 (Council Chambers)

Public Meeting of Council

June 8, 2022 (During Regular Council Meeting)

Development Charges By-law passage

July 13, 2022

Newspaper notice given of by-law passage By 20 days after passage
Last day for by-law appeal August 22, 2022
Development Charges By-law Implementation September 15, 2022
Township makes available Development Charges information pamphlet

By 60 days after in force date. 


Development Charges Information Pamphlet


 What are Development Charges?

Municipalities in Ontario use Development Charges (DCs) to recover growth related capital costs associated with residential and non-residential growth. 

In accordance with the Development Charges Act, 1997, DCs are collected at the building permit stage to help the Town pay for the capital related costs of municipal services needed to support the new development. These services include, roads, storm water, fire emergency services, roads, parks, recreation, libraries and by-law enforcement.

 When are Development Charges applied?
Under the Development Charges Act, 1997 (DCA) section 2, development charges are charged for development that requires approval under the: 
  • Planning Act for a zoning by-law amendment, a minor variance, a conveyance of land, approval of a plan of subdivision or consent under section 53. 
  • Condominium Act for the approval of a description under section 9, or 
  • Building Code Act for the issuing of a permit in relation to a building or structure.  

The DCA has also specified that the following development does not incur development charges. 

  • The enlargement of an existing dwelling unit (i.e. adding additional gross floor area to a residential home, as long as additional dwelling units are not created), 
  • The creation of additional dwelling units (depending on the number created) in existing residential buildings, when no additional gross floor area is added. 
  • Expansion of existing industrial development, for enlargements where the gross floor area is expanded by 50% or less. 
  • Municipalities or a board as defined in subsection 1(1) of the Education Act. 

Development charges are also not applicable to interior renovation building permits unless the renovation is for the purpose of a change of use (between development types) or additional non-residential gross floor area is added.