The Building Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Ontario Building Code Act and Ontario Building Code. The Department processes building permit applications, completes plans review and conducts inspections.
Whether you’re building a small deck for your home, or breaking ground on a completely vacant lot, make sure you have all the information you need before planning your project.
The Building Department’s Code of Conduct for the Chief Building Official and Inspectors has been established by Council pursuant to section 7.1 of the Building Code Act. The Code of Conduct promotes appropriate standards of behaviour, prevents practices which may constitute an abuse of power, promotes appropriate standards of honesty and integrity in exercising the powers and duties of the Chief Building Official and Inspectors, amongst several other purposes.
Under a recent amendment to the Building Code, Council has been given the opportunity to establish its own Inspector Internship Program within the Township. By establishing its own program, Council is permitted to retain and appoint one or more Intern Inspectors, who exercise the same powers and perform the same duties as an Inspector, but who are mentored and more closely supervised by the Chief Building Official and/or Deputy Chief Building Official. For further information, please consult the Township’s Inspector Internship Program Policy

Find out how to apply for a building permit for your next project

Find out how to schedule an inspection for your project

See statistics in relation to building activity in the Township.

All undeveloped or vacant lots are subject to Development Charges.

Find out what types/sizes of pools and hot tubs require permits and how to apply for them.