Strategic Priorities | Actions |
4.1: Continually Improve Business Processes and Practices Ensuring Open Government and Financial Accountability |
- Establish a long-term financial plan that includes a comprehensive reserve policy. (Spring 2024)
- Review procurement policies to identify opportunities to reduce timelines and costs and achieve the best results, including considering a vendor of record approach for some project types. (Spring 2025)
- Enhance Councillor orientation and training program. (Fall 2026)
- Liaise with the County to identify opportunities for collaboration and shared services/resources. (Fall 2026)
- Engage a subject matter expert to work with staff to complete an Information Technology Plan enabling the municipality to optimize technology to improve efficiency, effectiveness and/or customer service. (Fall 2025)
- Complete a Government Relations Strategy in consultation with local MP and MPP clarifying the Township's advocacy priorities and key messages. These will include water/wastewater infrastructure funding, transit, housing insecurity/affordability, healthcare, rural education, and road safety (e.g. roundabouts). Engage an external government relations resource resource if required. (Spring 2024)
4.2: Improving Communication and Customer Service |
- Host semi-annual Town Hall community information session with Council and senior staff. (Spring 2024)
- Create a dedicated position responsible for communication and customer service. (Fall 2024)
- Introduce Post-Council Update for a broad audience. (Fall 2024)
- Initiate a rebranding project to create a new brand/image and better promote Township activities and facilities. (Winter 2024)
4.3: Diversifying Our Revenue Sources to Reduce Reliance on Residential Taxpayers |
- Increase/maintain municipal fees and charges to achieve cost-recovery and avoid unnecessary increases in taxes. (Spring 2024)
- Leverage the Township-owned property review (item 2.2b) to identify surplus properties that can be appraised and sold to generate revenue for the Township. (Spring 2025)
- Update development charges to ensure that growth continues to pay for growth. (Summer 2024)
4.4: Recognizing Excellence Among Our Employees and Promoting Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion |
- Complete a Human Resources Plan to enhance staff recruitment and retention while providing opportunities for professional development and career development. (Spring 2025)
- Introduce an annual staff recognition event to be hosted by the Mayor and Council. (Spring 2024)
- Continue to host informal staff appreciation events throughout the year and provide staff with branded clothing and accessories from time to time. (Summer 2025)
- Facilitate a Council and staff education session on workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion.