Strategic Priorities | Action |
2.1: Expanding Opportunities for Healthy Living, Recreation and Culture |
- Continue negotiations to acquire waterfront property. (Fall 2024)
- Select a location and design a future dog park. (Fall 2023)
- Select a location and design a future kayak launch. (Fall 2023)
- Research and introduce a draft Public Art Policy. (Spring 2024)
- Identify financial and staffing resources required to implement the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Waterfront Development Plan and integrate these requirements into long-term financial plan and annual budget process. (Winter 2023)
- Establish a go-forward plan for Lost Villages with estimated costs, funding partners and timelines. (Spring 2025)
- Initiate discussions with the County and member municipalities about transitioning to a County-led animal control program. (Winter 2023)
- Continue urban planning efforts including secondary plans for Long Sault and Ingleside. (Fall 2026)
2.2: Providing a Greater Mix of Housing Options for Residents of All Ages and Income Levels |
- Revise zoning bylaws to establish zones where higher density housing is encouraged. (Winter 2024)
- Review/assess Township-owned property to determine feasible locations for more affordable housing options. Advocate to the County, Provincial, and Federal Government to financially contribute to this housing project. (Summer/Fall 2023)
2.3: Collaborating with Community Organizations/Groups and other Government Partners |
- Partner with local groups/organizations to facilitate an annual community volunteer fair and volunteer recognition event encouraging more people to become volunteers. (Fall 2024)
- Establish a Council representative on the Agriculture Board and host/promote a community-wide annual Agricultural Open House. (Fall 2024)
- Liaise with County and police to develop and integrated process for addressing ongoing resident road safety issues and concerns. (Fall 2023)
- Pursue options with school boards for added community use of schools. (Fall 2024)
2.4: Caring for our Natural Environment |
- Establish an Environmental Action Committee with membership that includes residents, a staff member and a Councillor with a mandate of providing recommendations to Council to consider practical actions to enhance the Township's natural environment. (Fall 2024)
- Create a tree management program that includes Township-wide tree canopy targets. (Fall 2024)
- Establish a policy requiring developers to include dedicated parkland in all new neighbourhoods. (Spring 2024)
2.5 Embracing Community Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion |
- Establish a community diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy. (Fall 2026)