The Township of South Stormont (Township) has and is experiencing significant growth in the communities of Long Sault and Ingleside. Moreover, the Township Official Plan allows for additional development within these areas that would exceed the capacity of the existing Long Sault/Ingleside Regional Water Treatment Plant (WTP) located on Moulinette Island in Long Sault.

The Regional Water Treatment Plant was commissioned in 2005 with a 20-year design maximum day design capacity of 8,575 m3 per day. The system has reached 80% of the design capacity and proposed developments on the system are anticipated to consume the remaining committed capacity leaving limited capacity for growth within a two-to-five-year period.

The Township has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) to evaluate and select preferred solutions to increase the rated water treatment capacity of the existing Long Sault/Ingleside Regional Water Treatment Plant to meet future system demands. The objective will be to complete the Municipal Class EA and proceed to increase the capacity of the facility in order to meet community needs.

These alternatives may include limiting growth, expanding the existing treatment system or adding new treatment capacity. It is anticipated that this project will be considered a Schedule C Class EA due to the need to expand the rated capacity of the treatment plant.

The proposed solutions will be evaluated and prioritized considering natural, cultural, technical and economic environment, and the preferred solutions will be selected in consultation with regulatory agencies and the public.
Input from the public, agencies and other stakeholders will be sought throughout the study to identify options to address the study findings and optimize the evaluation process. This study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

Second Public Information Centre

A second Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held on Thursday, July 11th from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. to gather input from stakeholders. All those interested in the project are invited to attend the PIC in South Stormont Council Chambers at 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault. 

For further information on the project or the process or to be added to the project contact list, please contact either the Township or their Consultant below:

Jamie Witherspoon, P.Eng., LEED AP, ENV SP
Project Manager
WT Infrastructure Solutions Inc
Phone: (833) 984-6372

Mohammed Alsharqawi, Ph.D., PMP
Director of Public Works
Township of South Stormont
Phone: (613) 534-8889 ext. 241